ich habe folgende Aufgabe nicht lösen können

"Suppose you are a researcher who wishes to investigate whether Vitamin D reduces the 5-year risk of prostate cancer in Irish males over 40 years of age. You plan to recruit a sample from this population, and randomly assign them to treatment arms (placebo vs vitamin D) in a 1:1 ratio. You wish to apply for regulatory approval for the study. As part of your submission, you need to decide on the required sample size for the study. Carry out a sample size calculation for this study, and write a paragraph describing the sample size calculation.
Hint: you should consult the literature on prostate cancer to support your sample size calculation (e.g. to find a good estimate of % of the target population that develop prostate cancer in a 5-year period). You should cite any sources you use, including any statistical software you used to carry out the sample size calculation."
Das wäre meine Rettung!!!!