From SQL to SPSS

Allgemeine Fragestellungen zu Statistik mit SPSS.

From SQL to SPSS

Beitragvon soujanya » Fr 4. Jan 2019, 08:04

I need to export some data and then I have to export them in a SPSS file format.

I've already found out that I need a SPSS SDK. I also have found out that i need a I/O DLL for creating and reading these files.

But I cannot find them. Can anybody please send me the direct link, as it seems that I'm too dumb to find it.

Please help!

Thanks in advance

PS: I just need to create some SPPS files and I don't have any SPSS licence.

EDIT: it'a an webapplication on the internet, and the client wants us to generate SPSS files, so he can download it make some statistics
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